"Ciclopaseo cachaco" | Dandyssimo
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"Ciclopaseo cachaco"

Thanks to  http://myroperia.blogspot.com/  for the pictures  from "El ciclopaseo cachaco" ;)

This entry was posted on jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

3 Responses to “"Ciclopaseo cachaco"”

Ellyzabeth dijo...

nice style! love the brown color. really match <3

following back ;)

eva loukaki dijo...

old chic.love it.I'm following you back .Love that I have a boy in my followers :) xxx

Unknown dijo...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! really like yours too, so i'll follow you back!

